I was always in love with planes and flying but thought I would be scared to death to try it out myself. Then, I flew and absolutely loved it. And I was surprised, it wasn't scary at all. Explaining to myself that it was because of big machines, I tried a small Cessna 150. No fear, but an incredible excitement. Especially while spinning. And then, I realized, I must fly. Myself. For real, not just in my thoughts. And so I begun to take classes of how to be airborne. In a plane, this time.
Curious how it's going? Follow me!

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Where does our true nature start? Did I always know that flying is a part of my life? Was that what I was missing all the time?

Sometimes, we squeeze our dreams in little pockets of impossibilities simply because the world taught us to give up on difficult dreams and not to get silly with wanting to dare the impossibilities at all. And so we live wit our biggest dreams in these pockets and never let them out, believing they really are impossible to realize. 

That is, until one seemingly regular Saturday, when a friend takes us to see our dreams floating in the air and begging us to catch them and never let them go.

I was always crazy about airplanes. Biplanes the most. Fell in love with Exupery's writings about flying and I just knew, it must be one of the most amazing feeling in the world, to fly. What I didn't know then was that it was THE most amazing thing in the world. 
When I met T. I thought he is just crazy about flying like I, like many people I met, but he put this fascination to the little pocket of impossibilities. Up until he told me he was taking flying lessons. It still seemed abstract to me and I didn't really understand what that meant. I never thought I could actually also take flying lessons, although admired everyone who did. Way too expensive and this pocket... When you believe something is impossible, not for you, it's extremely hard to get rid of that belief. 

And then, T. took me to see aerobatic training of his flying instructor and said there is a slight chance I could experience a flight in a small Cessna. I didn't believe it really and wasn't sure if I want it at all. In my pocket world, I was completely satisfied with watching someone flying. 
But then, I was put into this plane. And I was taken up. 

And my life was never the same anymore.

I still didn't believe I could actually pursue a license but I knew I wanted to fly again. Suddenly, everything started to come together to a perfect equation: I somehow came across Richard Bach and his books enchanted me completely. T. pushed me to get a pilot's logbook and after visiting the magic aviation store, I knew, that was it. 

I was going to fly. 

After seven hours of flying lessons, I still cannot really land. But that's OK, that too is on its way to me. What I know and what I can't believe I was pushing back for such a long time is that my life means something else now, that my life is now defined around flying. 

On that amazing Saturday, I was born again. 



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